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healthy veggie recipes

3 Ways to Trick Yourself into Liking Veggies

BO-RING! Is that what comes to mind when you think of vegetables? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way!  Give them another chance…It could be that you just haven’t found ways to prepare them that suit your taste buds. Trick yourself into liking them, like you’ve done with the kids.  Get adventurous.  They’re in season right now, which makes them extra delicious and affordable. Making that extra effort to fit them in your diet will pay off big-time.  You’ll feel better because your body …

exercise vs diet

Tip #24: How to avoid “eating through” your workouts.

“Oh, go ahead. Eat the cake. You’ll just burn it off anyway.” Someone told me this the other day, referring to the theory that because I exercise, excess calories must automatically, effortlessly burn off me.  So would I really burn off that cake?  Maybe…but maybe not. Simple math? If I ate a high-calorie diet every day, even though I exercise almost every day, I would still consume excess calories, every day. Doing this, I might still be muscular, but I’d also eventually have more fat covering those muscles.  To …