Showing 11 Result(s)

Avoid the abs trap: 10 Moves to tone your core

When you think of core moves, your mind might go straight to abdominal exercises.  The core muscles aren’t just ab muscles, but those of the back and hip flexors as well.  The core stabilizes the spine and pelvis.  A strong core is essential for improved fitness and athletic performance, and can prevent postural muscle imbalances and back injuries.  So while abs moves are an essential part of working your core, they aren’t the full story! A million crunches won’t properly condition the core.  Moves that work multiple muscle groups across multiple …

The 6 Move, 20 Minute Fat-Burning Workout

If you don’t have the luxury of spending hours in the gym, here’s some good news…You don’t have to.    Research shows that high intensity interval training burns just as much, and in some cases, more fat–in less time. The following moves are extremely efficient–I did, and still do, workouts like this all of the time–and that’s how I lost almost 40 lbs.  Compound exercises allow you to get and keep your heart rate revved, firm up and burn mega fat all at once. For maximum results, do 2-4 minutes of …