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Tip #19: Try plogging. It burns more calories.

What is plogging, you ask?  It does involve jogging, but also bending, lunging, squatting and reaching.  And it burns 50 more calories per half-hour than jogging alone, according to the Lifesum fitness app. Plogging is simply picking up trash as you jog outside.  You can also “plog” while walking or hiking.  This relatively new trend began in Sweden in 2016 as an organized form of exercise and spread to other countries in 2018.  Organizations all across the US are using plogging both for exercise and to raise awareness about plastic and other types of pollution. If you run outside, you probably …

how to train for a marathon

Trainer’s Tip #13: Train properly for your marathon.

Tip #13:  When you sign up for a marathon, properly train for it. This sounds pretty straight-forward, but not training is both tempting and common.  Because training is hard.  It’s grueling and time-consuming and takes you away from your other commitments.   Some mornings I talk myself around in circles for a good 20 minutes or so before I even get out of bed for my run.  And once I do, I shuffle around the house for another good 20 minutes, sighing, grumbling, ready to willingly accept any excuse that seems feasible for skipping.  It’s snowing/raining/dark/windy.  I’m sore/exhausted/too busy.  I’ll add the miles to tomorrow’s run.  One little run won’t …