Showing 3 Result(s)
winter motivation

7 ways to stay motivated & inspired this winter

This time of year, many of us are full of hope and motivated to make changes for the better. Don’t let winter doldrums snow on your parade. Finding simple ways to stay inspired can help you keep a positive outlook when you feel yourself losing focus. If you hope for a year of great things to happen, but aren’t sure where to start, start small.  Try picking out a couple of ideas on this list to add some extra health and joy to your life, …

meditation changed my life

Meditation changed my life

Seems a bit dramatic, doesn’t it? I probably would have thought so too, a year ago. Sure, I was all for meditation. As a wellness professional, I preached its stress-relief benefits for years. I believed that meditation improved well-being. That’s just it though–I believed it in theory, but I didn’t really know it. Not first-hand. My emphasis leaned heavily on the body’s physical health. I never missed a workout. Meditation, well…I dabbled. A workout accomplishes something. What does just sitting there noticing the thoughts in …