Showing 4 Result(s)

Ladies, there’s no competition

Hey there, Happy International Women’s Day! I feel like it’s worth re-sharing an article I wrote previously. This theme seems to remain prevalent in culture and in my experience, even in the most unlikely of communities (albeit much more subtle and “under the surface.”) I feel inclined to keep shining a light on this area of potential growth. Please reach out to me with any thoughts, I’d love to hear them! xo~Jen I’m bursting to talk about something. Not to lecture or inform, but to …

mindful eating

Can eating mindfully help us lose weight?

Mindfulness is not just for hippies and yogis anymore.  The practice of mindfulness in multiple areas of our lives has gained notable popularity, and for good reason.  Research supports the premise that connecting with the present moment with acceptance and compassion—while not dwelling on the past or fearing the future—can increase happiness and improve physical and emotional health. But how do these benefits translate to the idea of “eating with intention”?  Although more research is needed to conclusively determine the effects of mindful eating practices …